+1 888-415-0554 support@multisoft.com

Invite New Employees To Your Company Helpdesk

You can invite new employees to your helpdesk account through a single “join” link. A few months ago we introduced you to the new helpdesk system that MultiSoft had created to better support its clients. Our new ‘built in-house’ system is leaps...

Lava Lamp Encryption

MultiSoft strives to work with only the latest technologies and partners only with those making use of them. One of those technologies is truly randomized encryption keys based upon the power of lava lamps. Now, I know right now you’re thinking “this must...

MLM Leaderboards

If you’ve looked at your leaderboard in the back office in the last few days you may have noticed a change. Leaderboards are a great way to show your distributors where they are in the ‘pack’ so to speak. Leaderboards help create and encourage a friendly competition...

On Demand Custom MLM Reports

As any good business person will tell you, reports are important. Reports give you the data you need to make good business decisions without relying strictly upon a “gut feeling”. While there are some reports that are necessary for all businesses, there...